Dr Kimberly Wilson

Chief Trouble Maker and CEO

Embarking on a quest to reshape the landscape of healthcare and mental health organizations, Dr. Kimberly Wilson, fondly known as Dr. Burnout ™, stands at the helm as a transformative Speaker, Author, Organizational Consultant, and TV Host. 

Her journey, fueled by her roles as a seasoned Therapist, Organizational Psychologist, Change Agent, and Executive Coach; is about boldly confronting burnout culture, fortifying resilience, and supporting women in leadership development and career retention - a path that could save organizations millions. 
As a retired US Marine, her audacious goal to liberate 5500 women from burnout and cultivate 100 thriving workplace cultures is deeply rooted in personal loss.

Known for her trailblazing TV show 'Leadership Beyond Burnout' and prominent appearances on Bloomberg and Bold TV, she also guides others on their journeys through her impactful Fired-Up Woman™ Reset Experiences. These experiences offer clients an opportunity to improve relationships, save money and time, and ignite their impact, income, and significance.
Amidst this whirlwind, she finds joy in the playful companionship of her Irish Doodle and just about any water activities.

Ditch the Perfectionist Paradox: Ignite Your Purpose

Pursuing perfection can be stifling. In our quest for faultlessness, we often stumble. We erect walls hindering our growth, joy, and even overall well-being. We're tricked into believing perfection is attainable. We lose our way, burn out, and stumble to find our purpose.

Countless motivated individuals, aspiring leaders, and those labeled as perfectionists often unintentionally build roadblocks in their journey to find effectiveness, joy, significance, and overall health by chasing after the illusion of perfection. 

Solid evidence suggests that an uncompromising pursuit of perfection and relentless chase can cripple our growth, and strain relationships while undermining our mental health. But, there's a different path. 
A path that nurtures self-belief, strengthens abilities and fosters happiness. We aim to reveal and guide you down, this path.