Janie Jurkovich

Author and Spirit Medium

Janie J is a best-selling author of five books, plus a participant in the Ignite compilation book, "Ignite Your Adventurous Spirit." She writes books to encourage others to live their best lives. As a spirit medium, she downloads information from Ascended Masters to aid in raising the consciousness of humanity. Visit her websites to find out more. www.TheNewIAmMovement.com or www.JanieJ.net Or on You Tube at Janie J - Soul Connector

How a Spiritually-Starved Workaholic Learned to Be a Spirit Medium

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could tap into God, Source, Universal Knowledge, or All That Is? Janie J explains how her life took a turn from the hectic pace of working multiple jobs to living a life of serenity where she regularly connects to beings in another realm to uncover knowledge to help humanity.

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