Jenni Walke

Business Coach

Jenni Walke is an Aboriginal Bundjalung woman from Australia. Founder of Elephant in the Room Consulting, First Nations Strategy, Indigimesh and BImpact Collective, Jenni is an experienced coach, management consultant, mentor, speaker, facilitator, and author.

Jenni has 25 years' experience and expertise in leadership, facilitation, capability development, business strategy and building strong cultures. With a passion lies for developing conscious leaders and organisations, and supporting businesses create programs that drive improved client engagement and effectiveness, Jenni works with corporates and entrepreneurs alike to help them realise their vision.

Through her career, Jenni has had the privilege of experiencing a diverse range of roles and opportunities. These include military service, project management responsibilities for prestigious events such as the Commonwealth Games, APEC 2007, and World Masters Games, and serving as a Sales Director for a global learning and development company. This journey has given Jenni a unique perspective, allowing her to view the world through multiple lenses and draw upon a rich tapestry of experiences.

Jenni works with entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, and leaders wanting to create purpose, providing them support to build sustainable businesses that suit them.  Her coaching program, Empire Builders, provides business owners with clarity, structure, and systems to enable them to grow and scale in a way that suits them.

As a management consultant she develops corporate strategies, with a focus on creating a positive impact on their stakeholders and society. Jenni delivers First Nations engagement strategies, tailored cultural learning programs, and Reconciliation Action Plans for organisations such as Anglo American, Theiss, NSW Government, and BMD Group and work with others, such as Schneider Electric, Shell, CBRE, and Queensland Government, to develop employment and procurement strategies and capability uplift, that provide First Nations peoples with pathways for economic development and community benefit.

As a coach, consultant and mentor, Jenni’s goal is to build leaders – cultural leaders, business leaders, and value leaders.

The Art of Conscious Leadership: Inspiring Change in Ourselves and the World

Explore how the principles of conscious leadership, infused with the wisdom and practices of First Nations cultures, can guide modern decision-making. In this session we will discuss ways to cultivate self-awareness and purpose-driven leadership, using First Nations wisdom as a beacon for fostering positive change in diverse fields.