Nicole Shewaga

Freedom Seeker, Perspective Shifter, Explorer of Consciousness

Nicole Shewaga, self-proclaimed Freedom Seeker, Perspective Shifter, and Explorer of Consciousness, spent many years questioning the purpose of her very painful human experience. Personal trauma, generational trauma, and undiagnosed neurodivergence led her down the harrowing path of opiate addiction. After five years clean and having explored many forms of therapy (both science and spiritual based), Nicole found herself feeling stagnant and apathetic towards life. She experienced massive transformation after making the very difficult decision to follow her heart, sparking a spontaneous Kundalini experience that completely altered the trajectory of her life. Today, Nicole finds purpose in sharing the insights she’s gained along her journey of self-discovery, hoping to inspire transformation in anyone finding themselves feeling dispassionate and directionless in life.

Connect with Your Body, Connect with Your Soul: Finding Liberation through Self-Exploration

Abandonment wounds, chronic pain, and undiagnosed ADHD were just some of the themes that paved the way for Nicole’s opiate addiction. A surprise pregnancy eventually led her to get clean, but that wasn’t enough to bring the fulfilment she longed for. In her Signature Talk, Nicole shares how learning to connect with her body allowed her to connect with her intuition, which opened the door for her to find unconditional love and trust in herself. Nicole has learned many lessons and gained an extraordinary level of self-awareness throughout her journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Her message encourages anyone seeking answers about the direction of their life to begin exploring themselves by connecting with their body. She teaches how liberation is found through living a life aligned with your heart, and what she did to find that alignment for herself.