Peter Giesin

Ignite CTO, Myth Maker & Master Storyteller

Peter is a masterful storyteller and mythmaker who seamlessly blends the digital and the mythical into captivating personal narratives. As Co-Founder and CTO of Ignite Publishing, he empowers emerging voices by merging technology and storytelling to amplify their reach worldwide. His work as a Software Evangelist ensures that authors have the tools they need to shine, while his own writing challenges conventions and inspires exploration.

An adventurer at heart, Peter's journeys beyond the page take him across uncharted terrains and into the depths of the world's oceans, pushing the boundaries of human potential. With an ambitious goal of living to 125, he demonstrates a relentless pursuit of innovation and knowledge, embodying a life of purpose and wonder that encourages others to create their own stories of depth and adventure.

Riding in Tandem: Redefining the Symbols that Shape Our Limits

Embark on a journey of discovery as you learn how to redefine the symbols that shape your life. In this keynote, you'll hear how a tandem bicycle journey across Canada became a metaphor for teamwork, perseverance, and breaking through perceived limits. Often, we believe that we create symbols, but they actually create us, molding our identities with their "hard, defining edges."

This talk will inspire you to recognize the limiting beliefs holding you back and show how reframing these symbols can help unlock your full potential. Whether in partnerships or personal goals, you will be empowered to rewrite your story, challenge your limits, and ride in tandem toward new heights.